Filing An Injury Claim For Your Child May Be Different From Your Own Process

Being involved in a car accident can bring about a certain level of concern and anxiety, but when your child is in the car with you at the time of the crash, these feelings are heightened. When it comes to an accident claim, there is no age limit. Children are due compensation for unwarranted injuries in the same way that adults are. However, for parents, the claims process for their children may be slightly different from their own. [Read More]

5 Steps to Take After Getting Arrested

Getting arrested for a crime can definitely be a frightening experience. You may worry about spending time in jail and how the charge will affect your future. The steps you take right after your arrest can have a big impact on how your case turns out.  Here are the steps you should take after your arrest. 1. Stay Calm When you are getting arrested, it is natural to feel scared and nervous. [Read More]

How Substance Abuse Impacts Child Custody And Support

If you are in the middle of a divorce and have children, you are in a tough spot. It is important that you understand how to make decisions that keep your child's best interests in mind, but you might not know exactly how to do this. The use of drugs and alcohol by your child's other parent may also play a role in your struggle during the divorce. If you are struggling to make some decisions for your child, the answers to these questions may help you make decisions or go to court to protect your child. [Read More]

Three Things You Should Know About Divorce When Your Spouse Is In The Military

Couples go through divorces every day. Many of these divorces are routine, but what if you are married to someone who is in the military? Although there are many aspects of a divorce that are the same as you find when both marriage partners are civilians, there are a few things that are different. The following are among some of the more important things you should know about divorcing your military spouse. [Read More]