What A Lawyer Can Do For A Rear-End Collision Victim

Were you badly injured after another driver collided with your vehicle from behind? If the other party is now trying to accuse you of being at fault, you need help from a lawyer to countersue and prove that you are the victim in the incident. Below, find some helpful information about hiring a car accident lawyer to assist with your situation. How Can a Lawyer Help a Collision Victim Who Was Rear-Ended? [Read More]

How To Amend A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy erases debt through liquidation, and you get a discharge from the court after the debt gets settled. All cases start by filing a petition with the court. However, you may have to amend the forms after you became aware you listed the wrong value on a property, or need to change information on a debt. Here are some tips to amend a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition. [Read More]

How To Keep Property Out Of Probate

Can all estate property actually be kept out of probate? The answer is, "unlikely". However, if your estate is well-planned, you can do a great deal to keep some or most of your property from going through the probate process. Read on to learn how the use of trusts and payable-on-death designations can help keep your property out of probate. Trusts The creation of a trust makes a complimentary addition to a traditional Last Will and Testament. [Read More]

Autistic Children And Divorce: What Should You Consider?

Going through a divorce is difficult on everyone, but it can be especially difficult if you have a child who is autistic. What are some special concerns for parents of an autistic child? Can the child stay in the house? Autistic children aren't all alike, but many require a structured environment and do better in familiar settings. Some autistic children require specific adaptations in their environment to cope with hypersensitivity to things like noise or light. [Read More]