3 Things To Consider When It Comes To Child Custody

Whether you and your partner are getting a divorce, no longer want to live together, or are simply working out where your children will live, child custody agreements are essential. However, these agreements can be difficult to arrange. Determining child custody arrangements can involve a lot of emotions and can be a strain on family relations. When it comes to child custody, there are a few things that you should be aware of before starting the process. [Read More]

"Harmless" Acts That May Complicate Your DUI Case

Dealing with a DUI (driving under the influence) charge is not easy; there are some "innocent" gestures or acts that may end up complicating your case even further. Here are a few examples of such acts: Volunteering For Tests It is not mandatory to undergo DUI tests upon being stopped by the police. The tests only become mandatory (under implied consent laws) after you have been arrested. Therefore, don't think that volunteering for the tests will help show you as a law-abiding citizen with nothing to hide. [Read More]

Child Support: A Basic Overview

Child custody and child support are two things that are part of a divorce. Child support is crucial to the well-being of a child. This is because it is a significant investment of both time and money to raise a child, which is also a life-changing and positive experience. Here is a basic overview of what you should know about child support when you are going through a divorce.  The Fundamentals of Child Support [Read More]

Charged With DUI? Ace Your Appearance

It happens to the best of people; one moment you are enjoying life and the next you are fighting for justice after being arrested for driving while intoxicated. You will get your day in court, and that will be your opportunity to let your defense attorney seek justice for you. Your part in this process is anything but silent, so read on to get some tips on dealing with your DUI court appearance. [Read More]