Understanding Damages For Trauma In Personal Injury Law

Most people have a fair understanding of the most common form of damages in personal injury law. If someone suffers a cracked skull because a business didn't properly maintain a sidewalk, folks typically expect that the business should make things right by compensating the victim for their medical bills and other losses. Emotional trauma is another source of damage, albeit a less common one. You may wonder if and how you can claim damages for trauma so here's what you should know. [Read More]

2 Things To Know About Bail Bonds

If you have been arrested, you will appear before the judge to get arraigned. In the arraignment, the prosecutor will suggest a bail amount, your attorney will either agree or counter, and the judge will make the final decision. If the judge does grant you bail, they may say you can pay it by cash or bond. Paying it by cash means you are putting down the whole amount of your bail to get out of jail. [Read More]

Who Is At Fault For A Pedestrian Accident Late At Night?

Pedestrian accidents often occur at night. Because of low visibility, drivers struggle to see pedestrians and safely avoid them, especially if the pedestrian is wearing black clothes. However, if the motorist is negligent, they may be considered at fault, especially if distracted.  Go to the Hospital A pedestrian accident is a medical emergency. Even if you can get up and walk around, you might be more injured than you think. You might suffer from internal bleeding, broken bones, a spinal cord injury, or internal organ damage. [Read More]

Family Pets And Divorce

Pets are not thought of as property by many people. They are often even considered members of the family. Unfortunately, the law sees things differently and that can be best seen when a pet-owing couple parts ways. To learn how the family pet will fare in a divorce, read on. Pets: A Matter of Property For most of history, animals have been seen as property. In the past, owning livestock and horses was seen as a sign of wealth. [Read More]